Re: Can connect on Local Web but not on Public Web...Help..

Posted by Sébastien on 2014/11/6 20:34:15

OK, the Cable Modem is your 'Modem' ... but what you call the Modem is in fact your 'Router' !
On this Router, you have connected your Dreambox, your PC and all the other home network devices you have ... good !

Now, you need to find in this 'ROUTER', a setup page where you can redirect ports.
Look for a menu called like 'Port Forwarding' or 'Virtual Server'.
When you have this you need to setup 2 rules :
1) Forward External port 80 to Internal port 80 on the IP of your computer (the .113) in TCP mode
2) Forward External port 8080 to Internal port 8080 on the IP of your computer (the .113) in TCP mode

Then you can start the web server and conenct to it with your mobile device (Android app or iOs app) from outside of your house.

Best regards,

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