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Re: Can connect on Local Web but not on Public Web...Help..


OK, the Cable Modem is your 'Modem' ... but what you call the Modem is in fact your 'Router' !
On this Router, you have connected your Dreambox, your PC and all the other home network devices you have ... good !

Now, you need to find in this 'ROUTER', a setup page where you can redirect ports.
Look for a menu called like 'Port Forwarding' or 'Virtual Server'.
When you have this you need to setup 2 rules :
1) Forward External port 80 to Internal port 80 on the IP of your computer (the .113) in TCP mode
2) Forward External port 8080 to Internal port 8080 on the IP of your computer (the .113) in TCP mode

Then you can start the web server and conenct to it with your mobile device (Android app or iOs app) from outside of your house.

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 06.11.2014
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Re: Can connect on Local Web but not on Public Web...Help..

Thanks for getting back to me, I have done a diagram of my
setup of my modems, also I took a photo of the settings in
the Enigma TV. Hope this helps
Thanks Alfred

Datei anhängen:

jpg  IMG_2426.JPG (144.59 KB)
12219_545b8dce235bc.jpg 640X480 px

jpg  IMG_2424.JPG (91.49 KB)
12219_545b8de684741.jpg 640X480 px

Geschrieben: 06.11.2014
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Re: Can connect on Local Web but not on Public Web...Help..


Difficult to give an idea in this case.
You can try to draw the mapping of your network into a power point or something and send it to me ?
Do screen shots of your routers/modem redirection rules and routing tables if there are some.
Then I can maybe help you, but nothing really sure in your case.

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 05.11.2014
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Can connect on Local Web but not on Public Web...Help..

I am using 2 modems, 1 is a cable modem that's giving me an IP Address
of with DHCP off and is giving me the internet
to my 2nd modem which I feed everything with, dreambox laptop
etc, DHCP open. The IP address for this is 2 IP addresses are in the
Enigma settings. Web server is on, I can connect with Local Web TV Interface IP Address,
but I cannot connect to OPEN browser Public Web TV interface IP Address.Everything is set at
8080 for both public and Local, also 80 as well. I am not
able to change settings in the cable modem with DHCP off.
Any ideas please????

Geschrieben: 05.11.2014
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

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