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Re : : Problems setting up on xbmc


All what you describe seems correct.
Can you maybe post a screeshot from the router settings + Enigma-TV settings + XBMC plugin settings ?
Then I can be sure you haven't made any mistake.
Otherwise you have to check with your router ...
Have you tested the configuration into your network ? does the XBMC plugin works then with the local IP + ports ?

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 29.11.2013
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
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Problems setting up on xbmc

I have managed to set this on my pc easily enough. My router settings don't seem to be working though. I am assuming that it is port forwarding that needs to be setup.
I have chosen the following
service HTTP
Protocol TCP
My public stream IP. e.g. as per enigma TV server
I have chosen port 85 as web & 95 as internal.

In my router I have options only to input start port therefore I have inserted 85 as start and 95 as end. I save the rule.

Enigma TV on XBMC settings my public IP as above. My web port 85 and stream port 8080. With my password from enigma TV. do these appear to be correct?

Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance

Geschrieben: 29.11.2013
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

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