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Re: i want to get this going but im stuck


I'm from the UK but I live in Alicante Spain

many thanks

Date de publication : 17/04/2013 13:24
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: i want to get this going but im stuck


Cool that you have it working !
About the screen size, you can activate the full screen from the plugin itself (put your finger on the TV and when the inbuilt menu appear the click on the full screen icon at the bottom right corner)
Otherwise you can also try the iOS mode from the settings pannel the the video should be played into the internal device media player.

Thanks for doing some advertisement, I appreciate !
Where do you come from ?

Best regards,

Date de publication : 16/04/2013 19:59
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Re : : i want to get this going but im stuck


its working great over 3g and outside the house via wifi, but on the Samsung S3 the screen will not auto adjust how od I set it up so the screen matches my Samsung S3

thanks for your help I will tell all my friends

Date de publication : 16/04/2013 19:48
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re : : i want to get this going but im stuck


Ok, so you can access the web interface but you don't see the video stream from outside your house ...
First, have you tested within your network (in your house) ?
Use directly your PC IP & internal web port to connect, just for testing. Inside your network, you should see the video.
Then if it doesn't wrok from outside, it means the router doesn't do its job properly OR the stream port you selected is not allowed by your 3G mobile provider.

I hope you will get it working.

Best regards,

Date de publication : 16/04/2013 19:34
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Re : : i want to get this going but im stuck


I am a little further on I can see Enigma TV on my S3 I login and choose a tv channel but it does not stream it stops after a short while and its blocky what are the settings I should use when streaming from outside my house.

I changed my image to open pli

many thanks nearly there

Date de publication : 16/04/2013 09:05
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re : : i want to get this going but im stuck


OK, so if you says that the 'lights' go to the correct colors, it means the web server is properly up and running.
the first thing to check is : are you able to access the web interface or not ???
You should see a login screen and then after that ogin you should be able to select a provider and a channel right ?
If the stream doesn't start properly or if you lose the connection then it can be related to multiple issues :
- Network performance ?
- Image or box type ? (DM800 should be ok, try www.newnigma2.to or http://www.openblackhole.com)
- Setup ? (in web interface, go down with the quality : 250 kbps for video, 0.5 scale, 96 kbps audio, 2 channels)

Date de publication : 15/04/2013 21:55
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Re : : i want to get this going but im stuck

hi the web server goes from red to green and the web port goes blue but then nothing. Could it be my sat box im running nemesis 2.4 image should it work with this, what is the best image for this to work?

Date de publication : 15/04/2013 21:50
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re : : i want to get this going but im stuck


Have you activated the 'Internet Control' mode via the menu in Enigma-TV ?
The web server is on ? (should go from RED to GREEN, and the web port should go to BLUE)
The 2 rules in your router should be ok.
There is no reason why it should not work.

Please also watch the help videos, that can help you.

Date de publication : 15/04/2013 21:46
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: i want to get this going but im stuck

I have applied the two rules as you say and these are now the only rules I have in my router is this correct? When I go to the try and get it to play it only plays ofr about 10secs and then stops. in web browser I get an error asking me to check ip address


Date de publication : 15/04/2013 21:41
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re : : i want to get this going but im stuck


Your router settings are wrong !
Please reproduce exactly what I show in the attached picture, there is only 2 rules to define ...

Then you access the web interface,
Local with
Outside with

Best regards,

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Date de publication : 15/04/2013 20:43
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

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