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Re: Total clean install /open port not work ?


Same problem, new router this time. Port is hard to get opened.normal port gets open fine.. Not sure if it can handle it.

Can you please take a look on the pictures and see if you spot the error?


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Date de publication : 07/04/2015 17:12
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re : : Total clean install /open port not work ?

Ok great !
I also used NewNigma, I should maybe do like you have done

Best regards,

Date de publication : 22/01/2014 22:23
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Total clean install /open port not work ?

It actually seems better with new image...

I had Newnigma on it for a long time. I changed to OpenPli and it's seems better.


Date de publication : 22/01/2014 20:33
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re : : Total clean install /open port not work ?


I'm not sure if it is related to the dreambox type, have you tested another image ?
Anyway, I'm working on stability issue that is due to the library used to control vlc from the app.
Actually doing program changes and test.
I hope to get good results soon.

Best regards,

Date de publication : 20/01/2014 23:48
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Total clean install /open port not work ?

Of Course. The internal port.. forgot that...Thanx..

Before I used a dm800se to stream to E-tv. And now a dm800 .. I see Enigma-tv crash a lot more now then with the 800se... But I guess it is the old slow 800's fault ??


Date de publication : 20/01/2014 21:53
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re : : Total clean install /open port not work ?


I think that you forgot the internal IP on your router ... This is what I can observe from the picture.

Best regards,

Date de publication : 18/01/2014 22:52
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Total clean install /open port not work ?


I want to reinstall the software, because I think something is wrong. What folders do I need to delete after a uninstall?

I cant open ports. I got a new router a Asus RT-AC66U.Firmware Version: It opens fine other ports, But not Enigma-Tv.. I cant understand why.. So I begin to think that I shall try a total reinstall..
a normal uninstall in windows did not work...

Avast have accepted Enigma-tv in firewall... But NO-GO..
In my Asus router I got port trigger and normal port forward... what to use?

I'll even tried to have DMZ open just to check.. still not working...

Any tips?

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9869_52dab32e4fa2e.jpg 770X464 px

jpg  port_forward.jpg (64.60 KB)
9869_52dab37c4cf51.jpg 618X534 px

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Date de publication : 18/01/2014 18:02
Imprimer Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Del.icio.us Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

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